An exceptional terroir for outstanding wines.

All the excellence of an exceptional terroir. All the excellence of an unbridled character. Between the sea and the mountains. Between tradition and innovation. We cultivate paradoxes with so much pride in order to offer you the greatest showcase of Corsican wines.

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The cellar

Our 1500 hectares of vines make us the largest group of Corsican winegrowers. That’s true. But what really matters is how much care we take in the production of our wine. From the selection of grape varieties right up to bottling, everything is a matter of passion.

When you love something, you don’t count your efforts. And we love good wine almost as much as our island. That is to say, since 1958, we have done everything, really everything, to offer you exceptional wines with a strong character. A salute!


Visit our cellar
visuel Grappe focus

Terroirs and Grape Varieties

  • Our terroirs

    Our island is generous by nature, which is also what makes it so beautiful. Here, everything contributes to the richness and development of our grape varieties.

    The climate is balanced between maritime and mountain influences which temper each other. The very pronounced relief makes it the island of a thousand valleys. The plateaus of the eastern coast are full of essential sediments. Last but not least, the first vines date all the way back to Antiquity

  • Our grape varieties

    Let’s get to the point, let’s get to the wine. The beautiful variety of our grapes is fully expressed in our sun-kissed creations. Through their colour and tannin, our wines fully express all the typicity of our lands.

    You will appreciate the unique qualities of our great noble grape varieties. In white wines you can find Vermentinu with a floral aroma and Biancu Gentile with complex notes. In rosé and red wines you’ll find the remarkable Niellucciu but also the Sciaccarellu with a peppery bouquet. You can also enjoy all the balance of Grenache or Syrah.


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Our awarded wines

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  • visuel Marie Laure Casiani

    Hello, my name is Marie Laure Casiani and I am thirty-two years old. I have taken over part of the family business, I have always been interested in nature and the richness of our environment. I only took over the vineyard in March 2021, so I don’t have much experience, but the most important thing to remember is that this first season with the Aléria winery went very well.

    Marie Laure Casiani

  • visuel Patrick Barcelo

    Hello, my name is Patrick Barcelo, I am fifty-nine years old and I set up as a young farmer in 1989. We had difficult years when we were questioning ourselves, we didn’t know if we were going to give up or not, but we held on and today we are proud to still be here! I would describe the winery as “a cooperative winery at the cutting edge of technology”.

    Patrick Barcelo

  • visuel Sylvain Durastanti

    Hello, I have been a winemaker since 1997 and I started in viticulture because it was more pleasant and interesting for me. The winery has had its ups and downs, it’s true, but it has always been steady. There have never been any real problems, neither with the cooperators nor with anyone else. The cellar has great assets through the quality of our technicians and of course the quality of the wine.

    Sylvain Durastanti

  • visuel Joseph Simoni

    Hello, my name is Joseph Simoni. I am far from being the youngest member of this cooperative, on the contrary I am over 65 years old. I have been part of the cooperative since its creation. We cultivate, for the most part, Corsican grape varieties such as Niellucciu, Sciaccarellu and Vermentinu.

    Joseph Simoni